Resilience and Hardiness – Part 2
By Joyce Dennison, Ph.D.
Several readers of the Yellow Sheet wanted more information about resilience and hardiness. There is always more to say about our health and our ability to bounce back.
Our work in volunteering helps positive self esteem so much.
We know we don’t have control over life or our health, but we can be aggressive in our pursuit of health. Looking around us, we see our friends who exercise, eat well, and only occasionally drink or smoke-such good examples!
Our positive self esteem often comes from believing that our work is useful, important and creative. Our relationships and local friendships give us a strong support system.
The Weaver Mountain Health initiative and the Yarnell Regional Community Center, along with our wonderful Yarnell library offer many activities that encourage us and keep our brain busy. Our community is rich in so many ways that have nothing to do with finances. The Garden Gang, Petey’s Playground, YARG, the Fire Department auxiliaries, our churches, the Legion, the Chamber – we are very wealthy locally with volunteer opportunities that offer friendships and meaningful activities.
To advocate for one’s own health is so important. Not to be a pill popper, but to understand our pain/illness and work with our health providers to understand and get as much information as we can—to find out what we can do and what can aid our own process of recovery. Employing holistic health methods along with nutrition, adequate rest, relaxation and meditation are important to our ability to bounce back and be resilient.
Spring is just around the corner, and the trees, gardens, and animals remind us that growth and hardiness come to us all with this great season.
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash