Health & Wellness EXPO – ART SHOW

New this year:  ART CONTEST!

WHAT DOES HEALTHY LIVING LOOK LIKE? Your artwork should answer this question. Details about the contest (with cash prizes) appear in our ad in this issue.  Judging will be done by artists from Weaver Mountains communities:   Yarnell, Peeples Valley, Ruger Ranch, Congress, Skull Valley.

All art entries will be on display at the EXPO, where the winners will be announced.  We’re hoping to arrange a display of the winning entries at the Yarnell Public Library.

How to submit: We will pick up the art work at each of the local schools (Model Creek, Kirkland, Congress and Skull Valley) by September 12. Home-schooled children, students who haven’t finished their artwork by Sep. 12 and adults can turn their art to the Yarnell Regional Community Center at the following times: Friday Sep. 13, Sat., Sep. 14, or Monday Sep.16, 9 am – 2 pm


Need some inspiration? Here are some hints for healthy living.  (We’ve collected these from a variety of sources:  magazine articles, MAYO clinic newsletters, heart healthy lists, tips for brain health, etc.) Maybe these will inspire some images for your artwork.

  1.  Get quality sleep – 6-8 hours per night, put screens away before bedtime, adjust light, temperature and noise levels. Reading a good old fashioned book (which can be checked out for free at the library!) can help bring on a good night’s sleep.
  2. Eat healthy – eating more proteins and keeping regular eating routines. The more “color” in your diet (fresh fruits & veggies) the better.
  3. Stay hydrated – LOTS of water and as little of the sweet, carbonated beverages as possible.
  4. Be smoke free: If you don’t smoke now, don’t start!  Seek out quit-lines or other resources, or talk to a health care professional.
  5. Get moving: Whether it’s an hour of exercise or just moving 10 minutes a day, exercise will help you feel better and sleep better too.  Ideally, exercising 150 minutes per week will really increase your well being. Choose fun activities that get your heart rate up and break a sweat.
  6. Stay connected – schedule phone calls or chats (in person and online) with friends and family, volunteer for a cause you care about, visit folks you’ve been meaning to connect with!
  7. Challenge yourself  – learn a new skill or  hobby that challenges your brain, take a class about a topic or attend a workshop that interests you, visit a museum or attend an event that is completely different for you.
  8. Take care of your mental health – make time for something you enjoy, try to build in breaks for yourself; pay attention to your stress level and symptoms of anxiety or depression.

We have three goals with this contest:

  1. To encourage more people to attend the Health & Wellness EXPO on Sep. 21 at Model Creek School.
  2. To encourage people to think about health and wellness in new ways – and/or to EXPRESS those ideas in new and distinctive ways (especially Youth, so they start earlier with healthy habits!)
  3. To encourage residents to enjoy the creative process and the joy of seeing something they produce from their own ideas and hands.  Those are elements of healthy living!

We are offering cash prizes for youth, courtesy of the Wickenburg Art Club.   Adult winners will receive distinctive “art” ribbons, and a grand prize of a two night get away.   Winning artists will also have the option of having their art be displayed at the Yarnell Public Library from Sep. 24 – Oct. 31.

Judges in alphabetical order:  

Beth Adams – Yarnell, painter, a driving force and primary artist of the murals in Yarnell.

Bob Brandon – Peeples Valley, painter and mentor, stalwart member/leader of the Tuesday morning art group which meets at the Lighthouse Bible Church (his work is on display at the T-Bird Café)

Judee Nuechter –North Ranch, winner of the 2024 Museum Choice Award at Desert Caballeros Museum, her painting background has expanded to  bead embroidery and crochet

Maureen Schufft – Ruger Ranch, painter, whose work regularly sells at the bi-annual Art Show in Yarnell

Rebecca Wilks – Yarnell, Photographer, whose work regularly appears in Arizona Highways